Search results for cg13947504


Author PMID Outcome Exposure Tissue Analysis N CpG Location Gene Beta P
Kyung WK 32795589 DNA methylation eosinophilia nasal polyp discovery 129 cg13947504 chr16:54093577 FTO -0.034 6.1E-18
Kyung WK 32795589 DNA methylation atopy nasal polyp discovery 108 cg13947504 chr16:54093577 FTO -0.014 1.6E-11
Gadd DA 35945220 PRG3 protein levels (SeqId = 9015-1) DNA methylation Whole blood SomaScan protein measurement 774 cg13947504 chr16:54093577 FTO -0.77 1.1E-05
Gadd DA 35945220 PAPPA protein levels (SeqId = 4148-49) DNA methylation Whole blood SomaScan protein measurement 774 cg13947504 chr16:54093577 FTO -0.72 3.7E-05
Cardenas A 31300640 DNA methylation allergic asthma nasal epithelium NA 277 cg13947504 chr16:54093577 FTO -1.75 4.2E-05




*this tab-deliminated tsv file contains the full set of associations and variables, i.e. those in the downloadable catalog.