Search results for 29762635_dhana-k_body_mass_index_replication


Author PMID Outcome Exposure Tissue Analysis N CpG Location Gene Beta P
Dhana K 29762635 DNA methylation Body mass index Leukocytes Replication 2097 cg06500161 chr21:43656587 ABCG1 0.0081 1.5E-13
Dhana K 29762635 DNA methylation Body mass index Leukocytes Replication 2097 cg00574958 chr11:68607622 CPT1A -0.0029 3.2E-12
Dhana K 29762635 DNA methylation Body mass index Leukocytes Replication 2097 cg11024682 chr17:17730094 SREBF1 0.0068 9.6E-09
Dhana K 29762635 DNA methylation Body mass index Leukocytes Replication 2097 cg06872964 chr1:79085250 IFI44L 0.01 4.3E-07
Dhana K 29762635 DNA methylation Body mass index Leukocytes Replication 2097 cg21139312 chr17:55663225 MSI2 0.0028 1.2E-06
Dhana K 29762635 DNA methylation Body mass index Leukocytes Replication 2097 cg15159104 chr15:43809865 MAP1A 0.0048 5.1E-06




*this tab-deliminated tsv file contains the full set of associations and variables, i.e. those in the downloadable catalog.