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NB: These files are tab-delimited text files that are linked by the column "StudyID". Information on the variables in each file is below.
Full summary statistics uploaded to Zenodo can be downloaded from here: EWAS Catalog Zenodo datasets
Meta-data variables
This meta-data file has the following pieces of information:
- Author - the first author of the publication (surname then initials).
- Consortium - the name of the or cohorts used.
- PMID - the PubMed ID of the publication.
- Date - the date the paper was published (YY-MM-DD).
- Trait - the name of the trait.
- EFO - the corresponding ontology term(s) for the trait.
- Analysis - description of the analysis performed.
- Source - the table where the result can be found in the paper.
- Outcome - the outcome of the analysis.
- Exposure - the exposure of the analysis.
- Covariates - the covariates adjusted for in the analysis.
- Outcome_Units - the units of the outcome.
- Exposure_Units - the units of the exposure.
- Methylation_Array - the array used to measure the methylation.
- Tissue - the tissue in which the methylation was measured.
- Further_Details - any further details on the analysis.
- N - the total number of participants used in the analysis.
- N_Cohorts - the total number of cohorts used in the analysis.
- Age - the age group participants belonged to.
- Sex - sex of individuals used in the analysis.
- Ethnicity - ethnicity of the individuals used in the analysis.
- StudyID - ID that can be used to link the meta-data to the results.
Results variables
The results file has the following pieces of information:
- CpG - the CpG site.
- Location - the location of the CpG based on hg19 coordinates.
- Chr - the chromosome where the CpG is located based on hg19 coordinates.
- Pos - the position where the CpG is located based on hg19 coordinates.
- Gene - the gene where the CpG is mapped to based on the Ilumina manifest.
- Type - the type of genomic location the CpG is in (e.g. CpG island).
- Beta - the effect estimate.
- SE - the standard error of beta.
- P - p-value.
- Details - any additional details on the analysis (e.g. sub-trait).
- StudyID - ID that can be used to link the meta-data to the results.
NB: Missing information is left blank or as NA.